- 23 Novembre 2008
C’era una volta un uomo che riempiva di schede telefoniche non intercettabili gli arbitri italiani. Era l’uomo che conosceva prima di tutti le griglie degli arbitri per le partite della domenica tanto che qualcuno pensava che le facesse lui. Non era uomo da poco. Tutti lo temevano perché era potente e intelligente. Perfino Biscardi era arrivato a “lavorarsi” la moviola per farlo contento. Adesso si aggira pensieroso e pieno di acredine tra stadi e giornali. Ogni tanto una parolina, magari cattiva. Ogni tanto due righe. La gente, impietosa con i perdenti, ogni tanto gli tira un calcetto. Ma è un perdente? In realtà Luciano Moggi, l’ex boss della Juventus, si comporta come un vincente. E come tutti i vincenti straparla. I vincenti sono già antipatici per conto loro. Un vincente antipatico è antipatico al quadrato. Insopportabile. Sentite: “Oggi basta che parli male di Moggi e sei accettato da tutti”. Un po’ pieno di sé? Ma che dite. Io quando vado alle Poste e vedo che c’è troppa fila uso sempre questo sistema. Dico ad alta voce: “Moggi è un lazzarone”. La folla si apre e mi fanno passare per primo. Ma dice anche: “Nessuno è insostituibile, nemmeno io”. Sante parole. Lui ha fatto andare la Juve in B. Altri l’hanno riportata nell’eccellenza. Ma ancora: “In Italia quando sei simpatico è un problema”. Tranquillo, non corre rischi.
Deary me All sorts of assumptions could be made about a porsen from that kind of post, but it wouldn’t be productive.Ron you have COMPLETELY missed the point message of this post mate. To make such sweeping statements about Sophie, her opinions thoughts, one would have to be a regular reader of this blog. This you cannot be since (a) you seem to have great disdain for it (therefore why on earth would you bother?), and most importantly (b) you are accusing her of something she hasn’t even come close to doing, ever.NOWHERE in this post does she say others aren’t suffering as much as her, and again, regular readers of this blog know that she never would, and respects every single porsen suffering from IBS their porsenal experiences. She simply states she has issues with those people who SELF-DIAGNOSE, with both depression IBS.This view, this anger at those who, in particular, self-diagnose themselves with IBS after alcohol induced diarrhoea or a brief stomach upset, is completely understandable should probably be nothing but applauded IBS is NOT an illness which can self-diagnose, as much as anything because the only way to achieve diagnosis is through testing for many other illnesses, eliminating them one by one.Those people who claim to have IBS but obviously do not, i.e. particularly those mentioned above, do nothing but reduce the amount of respect sympathy the general public have for those of us who genuinely suffer from the illness, making them believe IBS is just occasional, mild stomach problems that we should just deal with’.Beyond this, is simply dangerous to self-diagnose yourself with ANY illness IBS depression included and doctors will tell you this ‘til they’re blue in the face. It is also utterly stupid by doing so you may be eliminating the possibility that your illness will either (a) be diagnosed as what you believe it is hopefully treated, or (b) diagnosed as something different, which can then be treated appropriately. You may be consigning yourself to suffering unneccessarily or even much worse.Again, this is the only thing Sophie voiced any objection to, NOT those thousands of us with various symptoms varying degrees of seriousness, which she more than anyone has read about in great detail.The vast majority of us visit this site read this blog because Sophie represents a genuine representation of what we go through on a daily basis, and presents her experiences thoughts with a witty, intelligent accurate tone which can lighten your mood, educate you, inspire you much much more. And on behalf of the many of us, I suspect many many hundreds, who are genuine readers actually understand what Sophie is saying thankyou Sophie, we really do appreciate your efforts insight