Ho una teoria, o meglio una convinzione. E come tutte le teorie e le convinzioni può essere una solenne baggianata. Ma è mia e me la tengo cara. Io sono convinto che le donne finora abbiano deluso. Noi che ci siamo formati politicamente nel 1968 eravamo fortemente convinti che esistesse una via femminile alla pubblica amministrazione. Che quando le donne fossero giunte finalmente ai vertici della politica le cose sarebbero cambiate e ci avrebbero finalmente fatto vedere che esiste una maniera più intelligente, più umana e più efficiente di guidare una città e una nazione. E invece no. Gli uomini non hanno consentito che questo assioma venisse messo alla prova e le donne sono rimaste sotto il “soffitto di cristallo”. Quelle poche che sono riuscite ad attraversarlo non erano donne, erano uomini e si comportavano come uomini con il beneplacito degli uomini e la felicità degli uomini. Gli uomini non erano, non sono, disponibili a sperimentare metodi diversi da quelli con i quali per secoli ha sgovernato il mondo. Matteo Renzi – direte- ha vinto le elezioni europee (41 per cento) grazie ad un gruppo di donne che ha messo a capo delle liste. Vero. Ma in Europa. In un posto dove non gli facevano paura. Ora le cose potrebbero cambiare. Grazie al Movimento 5 stelle a capo delle amministrazioni di Roma e di Torino sono arrivate due donne apparentemente “nuove”, per nulla simili agli uomini, desiderose di mostrare che amministrare in maniera diversa si può e si deve. Chiara, Virginia, vi prego, non ci deludete anche voi!


In the quest for a healthier and more fulfilling life, maintaining a balanced diet and a healthy body weight are key priorities. One dietary supplement that has been generating buzz in recent years is Ikaria Lean Belly Juice. This natural elixir is said to hold the secret to shedding excess belly fat and achieving a leaner physique. In this article, we will explore the origins and ingredients of Ikaria Juice and examine whether it lives up to its promises.

The Ikarian Lifestyle

Before delving into the specifics of Ikaria Lean Belly Juice, it’s essential to understand the unique context from which it originates. Ikaria is a small Greek island situated in the Aegean Sea, known for its extraordinary longevity and healthy aging population. The residents of Ikaria have one of the highest life expectancies in the world, and their diet plays a crucial role in their exceptional health.

Key Ingredients

Ikaria Lean Belly Juice is derived from a blend of natural ingredients, many of which are staples in the traditional Ikarian diet:

Olive Oil: The Mediterranean diet, to which Ikarians adhere, includes ample amounts of olive oil, known for its heart-healthy monounsaturated fats.

Citrus Fruits: Oranges, lemons, and grapefruits are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, contributing to overall health and metabolism.

Green Tea Extract: Green tea is renowned for its metabolism-boosting properties, thanks to its high concentration of catechins.

Turmeric: This spice contains curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects and may aid in weight management.

Ginger: Known for its digestion-improving qualities, ginger can also help control appetite.

Mint: Mint leaves add a refreshing element to the juice while potentially aiding in digestion.

Does It Work?

While the ingredients in Ikaria Lean Belly Juice individually have health benefits, the effectiveness of this particular blend in promoting weight loss is still a subject of debate. No magical solution exists for shedding belly fat overnight, and any supplement should be considered a part of a holistic approach to weight management.

To achieve a leaner belly, it’s essential to combine a balanced diet with regular physical activity and a healthy lifestyle. While Ikaria Lean Belly Juice may provide some health benefits due to its natural ingredients, it should not be seen as a miracle solution.


Ikaria Lean Belly Juice is an intriguing dietary supplement inspired by the healthful Ikarian lifestyle. While its ingredients offer potential health benefits, it’s crucial to approach it with realistic expectations. For a leaner belly and better overall health, it’s recommended to adopt a comprehensive approach that includes a balanced diet, exercise, and a sustainable lifestyle. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new dietary supplement to ensure it’s appropriate for your individual needs and health goals.

[csf ::: 09:07] [Commenti]

Tanti anni fa un giovane scapestrato insieme ad una sua fidanzata altrettanto scapestrata è protagonista di una tremenda avventura. Affitta un catamarano, uccide la proprietaria a colpi di machete e scappa insieme alla ragazza, ad un amico albino e ad un cane pastore tedesco nel Mediterraneo nel tentativo di raggiungere la Polinesia. Viene chiamato “il delitto del catamarano”. La polizia li insegue di porto in porto, fino in Tunisia dove i tre più il cane mollano il catamarano e scappano a cavallo. Finisce con una condanna esemplare, ergastolo. Diciannove anni dopo l’uomo, chiuso nel carcere di Opera, chiede ed ottiene un permesso premio. Il giorno stesso scappa, Lo riacchiappano ad Utrecht un mese dopo. Fin qui tutto normale. E’ giusto, se il carcere come rieducazione ha un senso, che anche i condannati all’ergastolo possano godere di permessi premio se per venti anni si sono comportati bene. Nel 1914, chiuso nel carcere di Porto Azzurro, sull’isola d’Elba, chiede un nuovo permesso premio. Gli viene concesso. E il giorno dopo è già uccel di bosco. Lo catturano due anni dopo, circa un mese fa, a Sintra, in Portogallo, trenta chilometri da Lisbona. Va tutto bene, il carcere non deve essere un’ossessione dei manettari ed io sosterrò per sempre che è meglio un sospetto colpevole libero piuttosto che un sospetto innocente in prigione. Ma ha un senso dare un permesso premio ad un sicuro colpevole che ha già dimostrato che per lui i permessi premi servono solo per evadere?

[csf ::: 09:04] [Commenti]

Io non riesco a capire perché una delle massime aspirazioni dell’italiano è il no. Sembrerebbe giusta l’aspirazione contraria. Voglio partire, voglio la felicità, voglio l’amore, voglio un bel giocattolo, una macchina nuova, conoscere gente. Invece sento sempre più spesso gente che non vuole. Quando ero ad “Un giorno da pecora” ogni tanto ricevevamo inviti a non far parlare questo o quello, a censurare. Non ascoltavo questi inviti naturalmente. Io sono per i cambiamenti per addizione, non per sottrazione. Il fare ha un grande fascino. Io farei oggi stesso il ponte sullo stretto di Messina. Eppure sento tanta gente che non lo vuole. Perché gli uccelli migratori…perché i terremoti…perché le strade siciliane…perché la mafia… Il ponte sarebbe un grande sogno. I ponti sono comunicazione. Sono rapporti fra la gente. I ponti sono la bellezza di tante città in tutto il mondo. Vi siete mai soffermati sulla bellezza dei ponti dell’Autostrada del Sole? Perché la gente non vuole sognare? Adesso c’è la storia delle Olimpiadi. Un partito politico ha perfino vinto le elezioni facendo del no alle Olimpiadi di Roma uno dei punti fondanti del suo programma politico. Roma affoga sotto i rifiuti e voi volete le Olimpiadi? E togliete quei rifiuti, per la miseria, non fatene la scusa per l’immobilismo! Le Olimpiadi sono una delle manifestazioni più belle che l’uomo abbia mai inventato. Comunicazione, pace, tolleranza, amicizia dei popoli, gioventù. E voi dite no perché non siete in grado di affrontare il problema dei rifiuti?

[csf ::: 09:02] [Commenti]

Food, gloriously expensive food. And the costs just seem to keep rising thanks to inflation. But that doesn’t mean you need to sacrifice healthy choices.

“Some Canadians may feel they have no choice but to buy processed foods because they believe they can’t afford good nutrition,” says Gina Sunderland, a registered dietitian. “But there are many ways you can stretch your food dollar without sacrificing your health.” Try out phenq.

Eating nutritious food can give you physical and financial benefits. For example, life insurance premiums are typically lower for healthy people with healthy lifestyles.

How to be healthy: 10 tips for eating well 

Here are 10 dietitian-endorsed ways to help keep your body and bank account healthy:

  1. Practice meal planning
  2. Turn leftover food into new meals
  3. Eat seasonally
  4. Freeze half your bread
  5. Check for grocery store deals
  6. Save money on meat or choose meat alternatives
  7. Rediscover root vegetables
  8. Store food properly
  9. Choose a “ripeness range” of fruit and vegetables
  10. Go for frozen foods

1. Practice meal planning  

When it comes to saving money at the grocery store, planning is the best way to start. Pick a day, maybe a Sunday, and get your plan started:

  1. Write down the meals you will have for the next 5-7 days. Do this step with your family if you can. The more input you have, the more likely everyone is to eat it. And they may even participate in the cooking and cleaning up!
  2. Check your fridge and cabinets to see what you have at home. You may have foods already that can be used. Or you may want to plan your meals around foods you need to use before they expire.
  3. Make a grocery list of what you’ll need to make the meals. If it’s an option, use a ‘click and collect’ or grocery delivery/pick-up option. This is an easy way to help avoid impulse buying.
  4. Go shopping. But only buy what you know you’re going to use. This way, you won’t end up throwing away what you don’t use. These are the best weight loss pills | firstpost.
  5. Stick to the plan as best you can. It can be tempting to order in instead of cooking on busy days. But remember, you already planned for and bought the food. So, ordering out means you’ll be spending money on food twice.

2. Turn leftover food into new meals

Make twice as much dinner as your family needs. Why? So you can have the leftovers for lunch the next day.

  • Making quinoa or rice as a side dish? Double it and use the leftovers as the base of a lunch salad.
  • Roasting a chicken? Use your oven more efficiently and roast two chickens. You’ll not only have leftovers for the next day, but also for the freezer.

This way, you’ll be able to avoid the expensive, often unhealthy, fast-food choices at lunchtime. Or, if you work from home, you’ll have quick options for lunch on hand. And by cooking once and eating twice, you’ll have less clean up during your busy workday. Read the best phenq pills articles.

3. Eat seasonally

Seasonal eating means eating fruits and vegetables when they’re in season, locally. Eating this way is cheaper for a few reasons:

  • It costs less to grow seasonal food, which means it’s cheaper to buy. The time, infrastructure, and resources needed to grow tomatoes in greenhouses in winter, for example, adds up. This cost gets passed onto us as consumers.
  • Supply and demand. Farmers can grow more outdoors. And larger quantities mean the items generally cost less.
  • Seasonal fruits and vegetables don’t need to travel. Importing food, whether from across the country or across the world, is expensive. When we buy local food that’s in season, import (and usually travel) costs don’t exist.

The key to eating locally is knowing what seasonal foods to buy in Canada. But growing seasons vary from place to place. The best way to know what’s in season is by reading signs and labels. Most retailers and farmers are very eager to advertise when something is local and in season.

While you’re buying, stock up on some seasonal items that freeze or preserve well. Preserving and freezing in-season produce lets you eat “seasonally” and affordably all year long. “I freeze grated and coined carrots to add to soups, stews and spaghetti sauces,” says Sunderland. When tomatoes are ripe, make sauce or puree. Or you can oven-dry them and bag up your creations to freeze for use in many dishes. “I process enough to last through winter,” Sunderland says. “It’s a great way to bring the fresh taste of summer produce to your family’s meals all year round.”

4. Freeze half your bread

Who doesn’t end up throwing out slices in a loaf of bread because it’s gone stale or mouldy? Here’s a fix: When you buy bread, immediately put half into the freezer. Use the fresh slices for sandwiches and use the frozen slices for toast.

“I buy day-old breads and bagels at a reduced price. They’re perfect for toast and French toast,” says registered dietitian Sue Mah, president of Nutrition Solutions. These are the best testosterone booster pills.

5. Check for grocery store deals

Don’t be quick to throw away grocery store flyers into the recycle bin. You can use them to find deals. You can also find most of these flyers online at a store’s website.  Look at various flyers to comparison shop and see which one offers the best deals. If you’re buying online for grocery pick up or delivery, start in the flyer section. You might find many items on your list are on sale.

You may also want to find stores that offer price-match deals. (Price-matching happens when stores offer to match or even beat the prices of its competitors.)

Ready to track your monthly budget?


Use our budget calculator to help manage your spending and see if you’re falling short, breaking even or coming out ahead.

6. Save money on meat or choose meat alternatives

“Eating less meat is good for your wallet and for the planet,” says Mah. For example, if you eat meat four times a week, go for just three times.

And consider using cuts that are less popular but cheaper. Flank steak, chicken thighs, veal shank or pork hock are just as nutritious as breast, strip loin or tenderloin. They all supply iron, zinc and protein. “The cheaper cuts do tend to be a little tougher,” says Mah. “But they tenderize if braised over a longer time.” Check out the latest exipure reviews.

Meat provides protein. But protein comes in cans, too. “Canned tuna, sardines and salmon are sources of protein,” says Jaelin. “And, as a bonus, they provide omega 3 fatty acids, calcium and vitamin D.”

Scan the grocery store shelves for deals on canned beans and “pulses” (like lentils and chickpeas), too.

Pulses are versatile, can be a source of fibre and are filled with healthy plant-based protein. “I’m always trying to incorporate more meatless meals into my routine. It’s a great low-cost way to make dinner,” says Abbey Sharp, registered dietician. Try turning chickpeas into hummus, puréeing black beans into brownies, or using white beans to make stews.

Read more: What you need to know about plant-based proteins

7. Rediscover root vegetables

Root vegetables tend to be inexpensive and have a long shelf life. This lets you save money upfront and avoid the cost of wasting food because of spoilage.

They’re also very versatile. “Just think of all the ways to prepare potatoes. For example, mashed, boiled, baked, scalloped or made into soup,” says Sunderland.

“Why not make a medley of roasted root vegetables?” suggests Sunderland. “Cube some beets, carrots, rutabaga and squash. Toss them with your favourite dried herbs and a drizzle of oil. Then roast them in a big tray.”

[csf ::: 08:59] [Commenti]

Esistono i grandi problemi, quasi sempre quelli che interessano molte persone, e i piccoli problemi, molto spesso quelli che interessano poche persone. Io sono frequentemente appassionato dai piccoli problemi che nascondono sovente grandi problemi. Per esempio Giovanna Giugni, combattente politica molto agguerrita a Trento, segnala la singolare abitudine degli organizzatori del Festival dell’Economia di riservare una enorme quantità di posti delle manifestazioni a vip, figli di vip, parenti di vip, amici di vip, lasciando in piedi o addirittura fuori dalle sale molte persone che si sono messe in fila anche ore prima. Piccolo problema, e’ vero, ma c’è molta differenza fra una ingiustizia piccola ed una ingiustizia grande per chi questa ingiustizia la subisce? E se a bordo di un treno esiste una sola toilette, e questa toilette non funziona, come è successo a me ieri, questo problema è piccolissimo per voi ma grandissimo per me, non vi pare? La corsa generale ad infilarsi nella morte di Pannella, forse non è nemmeno un problema, forse è solo un problema di estetica. Ma la corsa, postuma, ad infilarsi nel suo letto, senza che lui possa dire più niente? Ho letto con disgusto il racconto di chi ha ricordato una notte passata sotto le stesse lenzuola e delle mani che cercavano, che toccavano…Che schifo.
PS. Gentile signor Hofer, sono orgoglioso di averle scritto quella lettera augurando agli austriaci la riconquista del buonsenso. Lo so, non sono stato determinante per la sua sconfitta. Ma il mio granellino…

[csf ::: 08:57] [Commenti]

CBD Oil: What are 9 Proven or Possible Health Benefits?

With a forecasted revenue of over 20 billion by 2024, the CBD market is booming.1 But what exactly is CBD and how effective is it? We look at 9 proven or possible health benefits of CBD oil.

What is CBD?

CBD (short for cannabidiol) is one of over 200 chemical compounds known as cannabinoids that are found in cannabis. It is the second most prevalent active compound found in cannabis, behind THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which is the compound in cannabis that has psychoactive properties and gives people a high. Get the best results by using a sherlock pipe.

Cannabis is a plant, and there are two main types, Cannabis Indica and Cannabis Sativa. Both marijuana and CBD can be derived from both types, but hemp is only derived from Cannabis Sativa. By law, hemp must contain no more than 0.3% THC (the oil in marijuana that gives you a high) to be called hemp, otherwise, growers are at risk of prosecution under federal law. Hemp is a great resource for making 100% biodegradable, environmentally friendly products such as clothing, packaging, biofuel, building materials, and paper.

CBD derived from hemp contains no more than 0.3% THC and is legal federally but still illegal under some state laws. Cannabis-derived CBD products, on the other hand, are illegal federally but legal under some state laws.

Unlike THC, CBD has no psychoactive properties and will not give you a “high”. There is no evidence it has any abuse or dependence potential and to date, there is no evidence that it is associated with any serious side effects, according to the World Health Organization.

Instead, CBD has been credited with relieving numerous medical conditions, such as epilepsy, anxiety, inflammation, insomnia, and pain. Although “credited” does not mean proven. Because of the historical regulatory landscape, there are hardly any well-conducted trials backing up those claims, although research is expected to ramp up now that laws distinguish between hemp and marijuana.

We look at nine medical conditions where CBD may be, or, has already proven to be, beneficial.

1. Epilepsy

In June 2018, the FDA approved Epidiolex (a plant-based formulation of CBD) to treat seizures for people 2 years of age and older with Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS), which are two rare forms of epilepsy.

CBD has also been investigated for use in other forms of treatment-resistant epilepsy, usually in addition to conventional epilepsy medications. Results varied, but several trials showed CBD significantly reduced seizure frequency by almost 44% in most people.3

CBD can interact with other medications used for epilepsy and some serious side effects have been reported, notably, a decrease in liver function when given to people already taking valproate.

Conclusion: CBD is beneficial for treating certain types of epilepsy.

2. Pain

Animal studies have shown that CBD has anti-inflammatory effects and works on the endocannabinoid and pain-sensing systems to relieve pain.

Unfortunately, few human trials investigating the use of CBD as a single agent to relieve pain exist, with most trials using a combination of CBD and THC to relieve pain. Notably, Health Canada has approved a combination medication that contains both THC and CBD in a 1:1 ratio for the relief of central nerve-related pain in multiple sclerosis, and cancer pain that is unresponsive to optimized opioid therapy.

An observational study of CBD treatment reported an improvement in self-reported quality of life measures for people with non-cancer-related pain but there was no statistically significant improvement in those with cancer-related pain or with neurological symptoms.8

A case series of 47 people with multiple sclerosis reported improvements in pain, walking, and muscle spasms with a combination of CBD and THC. 15

Animal studies have shown that CBD has a positive effect on serotonin levels in the brain, and serotonin. Low levels of serotonin are thought to play a key role in mood as well as pain.11

Other research (both animal and human) has shown that CBD has anti-inflammatory effects, and it may relieve pain by this mechanism.
CBD can interact with other medications used to treat heart conditions or immunosuppressants so you should always talk with your doctor before taking CBD.

Conclusion: CBD may be beneficial at relieving pain but no high-quality human studies prove this.

3. Arthritis

Animal studies showed that topical CBD applications relieve pain and inflammation associated with arthritis with few side effects. The topical application of CBD is beneficial because CBD is poorly absorbed when taken by mouth and can cause gastrointestinal side effects. 6

Conclusion: Topical CBD may be beneficial at relieving arthritis but no high-quality human studies prove this.

4. Anxiety

Pretreatment with 300mg CBD significantly relieved anxiety in 57 healthy males who undertook a simulated public speaking test. However, dosages of 150mg CBD and 600mg CBD did not make any difference to the men’s anxiety levels.7

Beneficial effects on anxiety after taking CBD were reported in an observational study where 21 patients out of 400 had anxiety. 8

Anxiety scores decreased in a large case series of 72 patients, with 57 patients (79.2%) reporting decreased scores within the first month after CBD treatment. 9

Conclusion: CBD may relieve anxiety before events such as public speaking but it is not known what the optimal dose is.

5. Depression

Animal studies have shown some effect of CBD at relieving depression, possibly related to its strong anti-stress effect after either acute or repeated administration.16

Animal studies have shown that CBD has a positive effect on serotonin levels in the brain, and serotonin. Low levels of serotonin are thought to play a key role in mood as well as pain.11

Conclusion: CBD may help with depression but more trials are needed.

6. Sleep disorders

31% of people taking CBD for other conditions such as anxiety or non-cancer-related pain reported improved sleep with CBD.8
In a large case series of 72 people, 48 patients (66.7%) reported an improvement in sleep scores within the first month, but these fluctuated over time.9

Other trials of 300 mg of CBD in people with anxiety or depression showed that CBD appeared to preserve sleep architecture, meaning it was unlikely to have any negative effects on sleep quality.10

Conclusion: CBD does not appear to interfere with sleep and may help people sleep better.

7. Acne

A laboratory study found that CBD prevented human sebocytes from creating too much sebum in addition to having an anti-inflammatory effect, preventing inflammatory cytokines from activating. Because excessive sebum and inflammation are characteristic of acne, topical CBD could be an effective treatment for acne and may prevent or reduce future breakouts.12,13

Conclusion: Topical CBD may help relieve inflammation and excessive sebum production associated with acne but more trials are needed.

8. Parkinson’s Disease

Several smalls studies have investigated using CBD to relieve symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease, with mostly encouraging results. For most studies, there were no differences across groups with regards to movement-related outcomes; however, groups treated with CBD 300 mg/day had a significantly improved well-being and quality of life as measured by the Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire [PDQ-39]).15

Conclusion: CBD shows promise for improving the quality of life in people with Parkinson’s disease but larger trials are needed.

9. Nausea and vomiting

Most studies investigating if CBD is beneficial at relieving nausea or vomiting, have used a combination of CBD and THC, rather than just CBD alone. A 2016 review found the combination to be either more effective or as effective as a placebo.14

More recent research points to THC being more effective at reducing nausea and vomiting than CBD.

Conclusion: CBD is unlikely to be effective by itself for nausea and vomiting. The combination of THC and CBD does seem to be effective for nausea and vomiting.

[csf ::: 08:54] [Commenti]

Easy Tips for Effective Content Writing

Content is as important as the design and aesthetics of your website because it drives search engine results, increases traffic to your page and establishes your organization as an industry leader. And in today’s content marketplace, both quality and quantity determine your ability to leverage content for business results.

That’s where the professional content writers at Walker Sands come in. Our experienced copywriters have an in-depth knowledge of B2B and technology topics and products, and the skill to compose well-written copy, effective SEO pages, blog posts and other digital content, for better results try out the Skillmil resume writing services.

Effective Content Writing

Although there is no secret formula for writing high-quality content, these are several tips that can help improve the quality and quantity of your written material:

  1. Write a Head-Turning Headline. The headline determines whether audiences will read the rest of your work. If the headline doesn’t spark interest, stir an emotion or make the reader want to learn more about the topic, you simply won’t achieve the desired results with your content. Walker Sands’ professional copywriting services take the guesswork out of generating effective headlines by using proven techniques and traffic-driving strategies.
  2. Create a Hook That Grabs Their Attention. You have three seconds to keep readers hooked after the headline. The first sentence also plays a role in determining whether they read the rest of your content. As a result, it should capture the reader’s attention and smoothly lead them into your first point.
  3. Do Your Research. You must have extensive knowledge on the topic you’re writing about, especially in the B2B market. Include statistics, data and metrics to establish credibility and support your claims.
  4. Focus on a Single Purpose. You should identify at least one key message you’d like to convey before you create your content. Keep this in mind when writing and tie your content back to the main point as much as possible.
  5. Write in a Unique Voice. The content you publish is the voice of your company and it should be unique to your company’s personality. It’s important to align the tone of your writing to your target audience, business goals and brand persona.
  6. Optimize Digital Content. The best digital content often consists of short paragraphs, short sentences and bulleted lists. Digital content should also be optimized for search using SEO best practices and the latest SEO content strategies.
  7. Edit Your Work. After you have created a first draft, go back and consider how you might polish the rough edges of your writing. In most cases, writing improves as it goes through a round or two of edits—even when it has been drafted by experienced content creators.

Effective content writing is critical in turning site visitors into satisfied customers. It’s not just about getting content out there—it’s also important to produce high-quality content. Search engines crawl website content and reward websites with well-written articles by ranking them higher in search results.

[csf ::: 09:05] [Commenti]
  1. Get regular checkups. These are important even when you feel healthy. They help catch problems early, when they’re usually easiest to treat. It’s always a good idea to review your medications with your healthcare provider and pharmacist.
  2. Exercise. Try to exercise at least 30 minutes most days a week. Exercise is good for your heart and improves strength and balance. Try out phenq.
  3. Quit tobacco. People who use tobacco (including smokeless tobacco) have a higher risk for heart attack, stroke, lung disease, and throat and mouth cancer. If you’re a tobacco user, quitting is the most important thing you can do right now to improve your health.
  4. Limit alcohol and avoid drugs. Make smart choices and live a healthier life. This is how chillwell portable ac works.
  5. Eat healthy foods. Include fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your meals. Drink water and avoid sugary beverages.
[csf ::: 09:04] [Commenti]

Caro signor Hofer, spero tanto di rivolgermi a lei come al candidato alle elezioni presidenziali austriache uscito temporaneamente vincitore al primo turno. Spero tanto, cioè, che al secondo turno, i cittadini austriaci , riacquistato il buonsenso, ci ripensino e votino il suo avversario, il verde Alexander van der Bellen. Lo spero proprio, caro signor Hofer, anche per lei perché vorrà dire che a le sarà consentito di vivere in una nazione tollerante ed europea. Perché se lei e la sua destra oltranzista doveste vincere anche al ballottaggio, non sarebbe un bel giorno per tutti quelli che credono in una Europa tollerante e con lo sguardo rivolto al futuro e non come la vorrebbe lei, piena di reticolati, fili di ferro, muri, cavalli di frisia a proteggere cittadini armati pronti a difendersi dagli immigrati che lei definisce “invasori”. Caro signor Hofer, lei nonostante i suoi 45 anni, è vecchio. Il suo partito, il Partito della Libertà, propaganda una sola libertà, quella di chiudersi a riccio di fronte ai problemi dei diversi. Lei vuole l’Europa dei confini e alza i muri. Di fronte alle persone che vogliono venire da noi per sfuggire la fame e la guerra e godere di un po’ di briciole di benessere, non ha che una risposta, quella che ha dato ad Elena Tebano, che l’ha intervistata per il Corriere della Sera: “ Bisogna fermare la corrente”. Le correnti, ce lo insegna la storia, non le ferma mai nessuno. In attesa che una corrente la travolga (nel senso politico naturalmente) si abbia, caro signor Hofer, i sensi della mia più profonda disistima.

[csf ::: 09:02] [Commenti]

There is a LOT of info out there on healthy eating for teens. Blogs and magazine articles might make it seem like our understanding of how to be healthy changes every day—and it can get real confusing, real fast.

But at the Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center, we like to keep things simple. You don’t have to have a medical degree to live a healthy lifestyle. Here are six simple healthy eating tips to keep in mind so you can become the healthiest version of yourself!

1. Eat breakfast


Eating breakfast helps jump start your metabolism and curb cravings for sweets throughout the day. A morning meal also gives you more energy and can help you focus better in school or at work. Go for something with whole grains and protein, rather than a pop tart or sugary cereal. This is how biofit works as a healthy supplement.


2. Avoid skipping meals


It’s not good for your body to go for a long time without nutrition. Plan out your day and throw an apple, banana, granola bar, or some trail mix in your backpack or purse. This can keep your body fueled all day long. We talk more about what skipping meals (especially lunch) does to your body here. Checkout the latest nutrisystem reviews.


3. Cut back on sugary drinks


Most people know that soda is full of sugar — but did you know that drinks like Gatorade and Arizona Iced Tea still have more than a day’s worth of sugar in one serving? Try to cut the number of sugar sweetened beverages you drink in half. If you drink two a day, cut back to one and have water instead of the second! If you want a treat, go for unsweetened tea, low-fat milk or another healthy alternative to water, rather than something loaded with sugar.


4. Fill in missing food groups


Teens typically get enough carbohydrates and protein, but don’t eat all their fruits and veggies. It may be hard to get these food groups in at every meal, but aim for at least one serving every meal (or, if that doesn’t feel possible, every day). If you don’t like salad, go for carrots and celery dipped in hummus or add veggies to a whole wheat pita wrap.


5. Eat a balanced diet without completely denying yourself


Pizza may not be the most nutritious meal, but you don’t have to give it up completely! Try to balance one unhealthy thing you love to eat with a healthy option as well. Go for pizza loaded with veggies rather than sausage or pepperoni. If you grab a slice of pizza for lunch, eat a banana as well — then you will hit a serving of fruit AND satisfy your cravings.


6. Get active


We know this isn’t technically about what you eat, but getting physically active is such an important part of your health we threw it in anyways! When you break a sweat doing exercises like walking, jogging or dancing, you’re elevating your heart rate. This keeps your body and your mind healthy, and it can help boost your mood and make you feel better overall! Even if you can’t get the recommended 60 minutes of daily exercise in, just going for a 10 minute walk can make a huge difference.

If you’re interested in working out more, talk to your doctor or come see our nutritionist at the Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center. If you’re in NYC, you can join our free Teen Fit program, designed with you in mind!

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