Caro signor Hofer, spero tanto di rivolgermi a lei come al candidato alle elezioni presidenziali austriache uscito temporaneamente vincitore al primo turno. Spero tanto, cioè, che al secondo turno, i cittadini austriaci , riacquistato il buonsenso, ci ripensino e votino il suo avversario, il verde Alexander van der Bellen. Lo spero proprio, caro signor Hofer, anche per lei perché vorrà dire che a le sarà consentito di vivere in una nazione tollerante ed europea. Perché se lei e la sua destra oltranzista doveste vincere anche al ballottaggio, non sarebbe un bel giorno per tutti quelli che credono in una Europa tollerante e con lo sguardo rivolto al futuro e non come la vorrebbe lei, piena di reticolati, fili di ferro, muri, cavalli di frisia a proteggere cittadini armati pronti a difendersi dagli immigrati che lei definisce “invasori”. Caro signor Hofer, lei nonostante i suoi 45 anni, è vecchio. Il suo partito, il Partito della Libertà, propaganda una sola libertà, quella di chiudersi a riccio di fronte ai problemi dei diversi. Lei vuole l’Europa dei confini e alza i muri. Di fronte alle persone che vogliono venire da noi per sfuggire la fame e la guerra e godere di un po’ di briciole di benessere, non ha che una risposta, quella che ha dato ad Elena Tebano, che l’ha intervistata per il Corriere della Sera: “ Bisogna fermare la corrente”. Le correnti, ce lo insegna la storia, non le ferma mai nessuno. In attesa che una corrente la travolga (nel senso politico naturalmente) si abbia, caro signor Hofer, i sensi della mia più profonda disistima.

[csf ::: 09:02] [Commenti]

There is a LOT of info out there on healthy eating for teens. Blogs and magazine articles might make it seem like our understanding of how to be healthy changes every day—and it can get real confusing, real fast.

But at the Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center, we like to keep things simple. You don’t have to have a medical degree to live a healthy lifestyle. Here are six simple healthy eating tips to keep in mind so you can become the healthiest version of yourself!

1. Eat breakfast


Eating breakfast helps jump start your metabolism and curb cravings for sweets throughout the day. A morning meal also gives you more energy and can help you focus better in school or at work. Go for something with whole grains and protein, rather than a pop tart or sugary cereal. This is how biofit works as a healthy supplement.


2. Avoid skipping meals


It’s not good for your body to go for a long time without nutrition. Plan out your day and throw an apple, banana, granola bar, or some trail mix in your backpack or purse. This can keep your body fueled all day long. We talk more about what skipping meals (especially lunch) does to your body here. Checkout the latest nutrisystem reviews.


3. Cut back on sugary drinks


Most people know that soda is full of sugar — but did you know that drinks like Gatorade and Arizona Iced Tea still have more than a day’s worth of sugar in one serving? Try to cut the number of sugar sweetened beverages you drink in half. If you drink two a day, cut back to one and have water instead of the second! If you want a treat, go for unsweetened tea, low-fat milk or another healthy alternative to water, rather than something loaded with sugar.


4. Fill in missing food groups


Teens typically get enough carbohydrates and protein, but don’t eat all their fruits and veggies. It may be hard to get these food groups in at every meal, but aim for at least one serving every meal (or, if that doesn’t feel possible, every day). If you don’t like salad, go for carrots and celery dipped in hummus or add veggies to a whole wheat pita wrap.


5. Eat a balanced diet without completely denying yourself


Pizza may not be the most nutritious meal, but you don’t have to give it up completely! Try to balance one unhealthy thing you love to eat with a healthy option as well. Go for pizza loaded with veggies rather than sausage or pepperoni. If you grab a slice of pizza for lunch, eat a banana as well — then you will hit a serving of fruit AND satisfy your cravings.


6. Get active


We know this isn’t technically about what you eat, but getting physically active is such an important part of your health we threw it in anyways! When you break a sweat doing exercises like walking, jogging or dancing, you’re elevating your heart rate. This keeps your body and your mind healthy, and it can help boost your mood and make you feel better overall! Even if you can’t get the recommended 60 minutes of daily exercise in, just going for a 10 minute walk can make a huge difference.

If you’re interested in working out more, talk to your doctor or come see our nutritionist at the Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center. If you’re in NYC, you can join our free Teen Fit program, designed with you in mind!

[csf ::: 09:00] [Commenti]

La politica è il trionfo dell’ipocrisia. Quando un politico esprime un sentimento potete metterci la mano sul fuoco: mente. La politica è un luogo dove la verità non entra, si troverebbe in imbarazzo. Niente di male, basta saperlo. Ma quando qualcuno muore la politica diventa insopportabile. Ed esplode il cordoglio. Nei giorni scorsi è morto Gianroberto Casaleggio. Quasi tutti lo disprezzavano, moltissimi lo deridevano, alcuni lo insultavano. Lui aveva raccolto questi insulti in un libro, “Insultatemi”. Massimo Gramellini aveva scritto: “Uno che basta guardarlo in foto una volta per averne paura per sempre”. Gli avevano detto: ignorante, massone, leninista, mendicante, narcisista, stregone, cretino, qualunquista, paranoico. Le più belle cose gliele aveva dette Vincenzo De Luca, governatore della Campania: “Uno che, a 50 anni, si fa la permanente la mattina è capace di ogni delitto». Dopo la morte di Casaleggio De Luca ha detto: “Dolore e onore per una persona che ha realizzato un obiettivo che è di rilevanza straordinaria, mettendo in piedi un movimento che in qualche misura ha segnato la vicenda politica di questi anni in Italia”.
Tutti, oggi, dichiarano il loro cordoglio per la morte di Casaleggio. Il cordoglio più grosso lo ha sparato Matteo Renzi che fino al giorno prima aveva l’orticaria al solo sentire il nome di Casaleggio: “Vorrei esprimere il cordoglio mio e di tutto il governo e del Pd”. Ricordate: la parola chiave è “cordoglio”. Più grande è il “cordoglio” più enorme è il “chissenefrega”.

[csf ::: 08:59] [Commenti]

A healthy diet can support urologic health. For example, drinking enough water lowers your risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs). Watching what you eat can help you maintain a healthy weight, which can lower your risk of developing urologic cancers. For the most healthier results while exercising take a look to these synogut reviews.

Here are 10 tips to keep you healthy.

  1. Aim for a rainbow of fruits and vegetables on your plate. Examples include blueberries, carrots, yellow peppers, asparagus, strawberries, eggplant, collard greens, and cauliflower.
  2. Learn to read nutrition labels. This will help you be mindful of the sugar, sodium and calorie content of your favorite foods. Pay extra attention to the serving size and how many servings are in a package. This is how one and done workout benefits your lifestyle.
  3. Organize your food pantry so healthier foods like nuts, seeds and whole grains are in the front. You’ll be able to reach them easier.
  4. Get rid of foods with refined carbohydrates and added sugars like cookies and candy.
  5. Check out your local farmer’s market for foods that are organic, free-range, grass-fed, wild or pasture-raised.
  6. Drink enough water. This is a good way to lower your chance of forming kidney stones. Aim for about 3 quarts of water a day or about ten 10-ounce glasses. Frozen grapes, orange peels and cucumbers can add flavor to your water without adding many calories.
  7. If you have a sensitive bladder, stay away from artificial sweeteners, spicy foods, coffee, citrus fruits and alcohol.
  8. Bladder-friendly foods include bananas, nuts, eggs, green beans and whole grains.
  9. Get familiar with the “Dirty Dozen.” These are fruits and vegetables with the highest pesticide residue. When possible, it’s best to buy these foods organic. These are just some of the best healthy benefits that biofit probiotic provides.
  10. Try frozen fruits and vegetables. Their nutritional content is similar to fresh foods. In fact, frozen foods often have a higher nutritional content than fresh foods. That’s because they’re picked at peak ripeness and frozen within hours of picking.
[csf ::: 08:57] [Commenti]
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