Una volta ho intervistato Totò Vasa-Vasa. A quei tempi era l’uomo politico siciliano più famoso ed era sospettato di collusione con la mafia. Lo chiamavano Vasa-Vasa perché baciava tutti. Baciò anche me. Come fosse un omaggio. Come quando il fabbricante di caramelle ti regala un sacchetto dei suoi prodotti. Totò Cuffaro mi rimase impresso. Sosteneva ovviamente di essere innocente e per dare maggiore convinzione diceva: “La mafia mi fa schifo”. Mi rimase impresso nella mente. Cuffaro è uno di quei personaggi che non si cancella facilmente dalla casella del cervello in cui si sono insinuati. Così, il giorno in cui ho letto che era entrato in prigione, andai subito a leggere le sue dichiarazioni. Disse: affronto la pena come è giusto che sia. Io pensavo: adesso però dice anche che paga gli errori degli inquirenti. Disse: è l’insegnamento che lascio come esempio ai miei figli. Io pensavo: adesso comunque dice che si sacrifica perché le istituzioni sono al di sopra di tutto, anche del suo martirio. Disse: è un’esperienza tremenda che rafforza in me la fiducia nella giustizia. Io pensavo: adesso aggiunge che in ogni caso ci sono delle mele marcie anche fra i magistrati.
Questa rubrica parla sempre male di persone che affermano con arroganza di essere perbene. Questa volta no. Stavolta voglio parlare bene di una persona di cui si parla male.

[csf ::: 19:05] [Commenti]

Più si va avanti più la verità è un’opinione. Non è una novità. E’ sempre stato così. La verità di un ricco e potente è più vera di quella di un povero derelitto. Provate ad andare in un tribunale ad assistere alla deposizione di un barbone e guardate le facce dei giudici. Volete mettere con la deposizione di un manager o di un capitano di industria? La verità poi dipende dal momento. Oggi io dico una cosa, vedo che effetto fa e poi, magari, smentisco, dico che sono stato frainteso. Questo è il metodo Berlusconi. Il quale ha una variante: dire una cosa, una cosa qualsiasi, non importa che sia vera o che sia falsa. L’importante è ripeterla all’infinito. Prima o poi diventerà vera. La settimana scorsa Michele Misseri, in prigione per l’omicidio di Sarah Scazzi, ha detto che sua figlia Sabrina è innocente. Non ho tenuto il conto ma credo che sia la sua quarta verità. Una volta si diceva che la confessione è la prova regina in tribunale. Nemmeno questo ormai è vero. Se uno confessa quattro volte e ogni volta confessa una cosa diversa, come la mettiamo? E vogliamo parlare di Ruby? Come fanno gli stessi fatti ad essere raccontati in maniera diametralmente opposta? Voglio un punto fermo, almeno uno, mi accontento di uno solo. Si chiama Ruby, vero? Questa è la verità? Chi? Come chi? La nipote di Mubarak!

[csf ::: 17:44] [Commenti]

We’re all encouraged to live a healthy lifestyle, but what does that involve and how do we get there? Health doesn’t just entail eating right or exercising. True health incorporates other areas we might not give much thought to, like positivity and self-care. Here, we share with you seven fantastic ways you can get healthy – and stay healthy – in 2022. Visit https://finance.yahoo.com/news/best-testosterone-booster-7-most-062804144.html.

1. Follow a Balanced Diet

The saying “everything in moderation” really goes a long way. A healthy diet full of a variety of fruits, vegetables, proteins, grains, nuts and healthy fats helps to keep our bodies and minds in proper working order. There are foods you’ll want to limit, though. Processed foods might taste great, but they often carry a hefty amount of salt which can trigger high blood pressure and heart disease.

2. Embrace Positivity

Negative people or situations can trigger disordered eating and low moods. Look at the people in your life and the things that take up your time, and if something or someone brings you a lot of negative feelings, it might be a sign you need to cut ties. At the same time, work to let go of negative self-talk. A positive self-regard leads to a more positive lifestyle. This is the best alpilean ice hack.

3. Keep Moving

Exercise has been proven to lower the risk of disease, increase bone density, and even help us live longer. But how much is enough? The general recommendation is to engage in 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity every day.

4. Know Your Stats

Having an idea of your overall health can help you identify areas you might need to improve. A blood test is a simple way of pinpointing any concerns. Your doctor can recommend particular things you might need to monitor or check, like your blood pressure, blood sugar levels and cholesterol. Read more about kerassentials.

5. Stay Hydrated

Without enough water, our bodies are unable to function normally, remove waste, and transport nutrients and oxygen. Adults need, on average, three litres of water a day. If you lose more water due to exercise, heavy perspiration or frequent urination, you will need to drink more regularly.

6. Talk About It

With mental illnesses like depression on the rise, more people find themselves feeling isolated and alone. Talking to a trusted friend or health professional about how you’re feeling can offer you the help you need to restore positive mental health. Check out these Alpilean reviews.

7. Stop Smoking

Smoking is an addictive behaviour that carries no health benefits. Smokers are at greater risk of serious health issues, including lung disease, heart attack and stroke. Your family and friends can also be affected by inhaling second-hand smoke. It’s never too late to quit, and there are many support options available to help you give up smoking.

[csf ::: 19:09] [Commenti]

We’re all encouraged to live a healthy lifestyle, but what does that involve and how do we get there? Health doesn’t just entail eating right or exercising. True health incorporates other areas we might not give much thought to, like positivity and self-care. Here, we share with you seven fantastic ways you can get healthy – and stay healthy – in 2022.

1. Follow a Balanced Diet

The saying “everything in moderation” really goes a long way. A healthy diet full of a variety of fruits, vegetables, proteins, grains, nuts and healthy fats helps to keep our bodies and minds in proper working order. There are foods you’ll want to limit, though. Processed foods might taste great, but they often carry a hefty amount of salt which can trigger high blood pressure and heart disease. Check out these prodentim reviews.

2. Embrace Positivity

Negative people or situations can trigger disordered eating and low moods. Look at the people in your life and the things that take up your time, and if something or someone brings you a lot of negative feelings, it might be a sign you need to cut ties. At the same time, work to let go of negative self-talk. A positive self-regard leads to a more positive lifestyle. Read more about Weight loss pills.

3. Keep Moving

Exercise has been proven to lower the risk of disease, increase bone density, and even help us live longer. But how much is enough? The general recommendation is to engage in 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity every day.

4. Know Your Stats

Having an idea of your overall health can help you identify areas you might need to improve. A blood test is a simple way of pinpointing any concerns. Your doctor can recommend particular things you might need to monitor or check, like your blood pressure, blood sugar levels and cholesterol. This is how prodentim works.

5. Stay Hydrated

Without enough water, our bodies are unable to function normally, remove waste, and transport nutrients and oxygen. Adults need, on average, three litres of water a day. If you lose more water due to exercise, heavy perspiration or frequent urination, you will need to drink more regularly.

6. Talk About It

With mental illnesses like depression on the rise, more people find themselves feeling isolated and alone. Talking to a trusted friend or health professional about how you’re feeling can offer you the help you need to restore positive mental health. These are the most accurate alpilean reviews.

7. Stop Smoking

Smoking is an addictive behaviour that carries no health benefits. Smokers are at greater risk of serious health issues, including lung disease, heart attack and stroke. Your family and friends can also be affected by inhaling second-hand smoke. It’s never too late to quit, and there are many support options available to help you give up smoking.

[csf ::: 17:31] [Commenti]
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